Saturday , 29 March 2025
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Ferrari 360 Challenge

Ferrari 360 Stradale Challenge with Swissvax Divine

This was one of my favorite details! First off this thing is quite a beast! The car was in great condition so it needed a polish and Swissvax Treatment. The customer was really concerned about the details. The engine had to be perfect, the wheels had to be sealed. The interior had to be immaculate.

So we stepped it up on this one big as the car was mint as you can tell from the pictures. What was in store for the exterior: a wash with Swissvax Car Bath followed by Swissvax Paint Rubber (clay) . After we polished out with Menzerna PO85RD, then finished with Swissvax Cleaner Fluid and Swissvax Divine.

Wheels were cleaned up with P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel and tires were cleaned up with P21S TAW. The wheels were then treated to clay, Swissvax Cleaner Fluid and finished with Swissvax Autobahn. The tires were dressed with Swissvax Pneu.

The interior was a vacuum and full clean up. We applied Swissvax Cleaner Fluid on all the carbon fiber bits and followed with Swissvax Divine, we did this on the door jambs as well. Glass (inside and out) was taken care of with Swissvax Crystal.

The engine was cleaned up with P21S TAW followed by Adam’s In and Out Spray on all the hard to reach spots. We finished dressing all the items on top with Swissvax Pneu. The exhaust and metal pieces were taken care of with Adams’ Metal 1 and 2.

Exterior/Interior products
Swissvax Car Bath
Swissvax Paint Rubber
Swissvax Cleaner Fluid
Swissvax Divine
Menzerna PO85RD
Swissvax Pneu
P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel
Swissvax Quick Finish
Swissvax Autobahn
Swissvax Crystal
Uber Glass MF Towels
Einszett Cockpit

Infratech 5300
Makita 9227 Hi Speed Rotary
Lake Country CCS Pads 5.5 inch
Boar’s Hair Wheel Brush
Foam applicator pads
Tons of “Uber” Microfiber Towels
Uber Drying Towels

Firehose nozzle
2 Grit Guard Buckets

And now to the pictures:

Love this rinse down shot:

Wheels not much here the brakes are ceramic so little if any brake dust, still P21S wheel cleaner , a few helpful brushes, and to finish them out Swissvax Cleaner Fluid followed by Swissvax Autobahn

Cleaned up wheels and brake calipers:

Final pic with Swissvax Pneu on the tires.

Interior (I absolutely love this interior)
We cleaned up the interior with a nice vacuuming, and applied Swissvax Cleaner Fluid and finished with Swissvax Divine on all the carbon fiber pieces.
After the vac we started with the Swissvax on the doors:

and then the center console

Applying Divine

Finished interior:

Engine was huge as the customer wanted us to pay most attention here
P21S TAW and a rinse down

Exhaust before:

Polishing out the exhaust with Adam’s Metal 1 and 2

Exhaust after:

Dressing the trim with Swissvax Pneu and Adam’s In and Out Spray

After engine shots:

Engine with the lid down:

Polishing the car out with Menzerna PO85RD

Final touches
Q-tips in the rear grills and around the lights

Dressing the rubber trim with Swissvax Pneu

Finishing with Swissvax Divine


Final shot:

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  1. I was just at a exotic car rally with a bunch of ferrari’s, lambo’s, a couple noble’s, lotus ect. and they were all so swirly! i died a little on the inside. if the owners were around i was going to try and get a few customers

  2. WOW !!! Incredible jobs guys..
    Just out of curiousity, how much did this detail cost, if you can disclose…