Wednesday , 26 March 2025
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Audi S4 Widebody – Paint Correction/PPF Installation

This car belongs to a customer that has always brought his cars to the next level, this is a 2002 Audi S4 Avant that was converted to an RS4 using all factory parts coming from Germany. Besides the body work the engine and trans are from the B5 RS4. The list goes on……

So what did he need done after the tuning shop and body shop the car needed to look perfect. A full paint correction and clear film install was done.

We wrapped:

1. A pillars
2. Side skirts
3. Hood
4. Full Front Fenders
5. Rear flares
6. Top of rear bumper
7. Full Front bumper
8. Gas Cap
9. Strip in front of the sunroof
10. Door Handles

The total time this took was 72 hours with the 3 of us, me, Dan, and Tommy. Late nights for 3 days straight to get this car done in time for his road trip.

What was done –

– Wheels were prepped and cleaned
– Tires were spritzed down with P21S Total Autowash and washed down
– Wheel wells were spritzed down with P21S Total Autowash
– Wash down and rinsed
– Door jambs were cleaned up
– Clayed
– Dried
– Paint inspected and measured
– Wheel Wells were cleaned and dressed with Adam’s Undercarriage Spray
– Tires dressed
– Measured Paint Depth
– Masking
– 3 Step Paint correction (Meguiars M105, Menzerna Super Intensive Polish, Menzerna PO85RD)
– Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight
– Swissvax Crystal Rock
– Rubber and Plastics Treated
– Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed
– Exhaust tips cleaned

Products used:
(feel free to click the link below for more info)
Adam’s Car Wash
Einszett W99
P21S Total Auto Wash (engine, presoak, wheel wells, tires)
Uber Yellow Wash Sponge
Uber Clay Bar kit with Optimum No Rinse
Einszett Spray Wax
Meguiars M105
Menzerna Super Intensive Polish
Menzerna PO85RD
Swissvax Crystal Rock

Uber Wheel/Wheel Well/Tire/Engine Kit

Infratech 5300
Fenix TK11
Flex 3403
The Uber Foam Pads (5.5inch)
Tons of “Uber” Microfiber Towels
Uber Drying Towels

Cam Spray Pressure Wash and Foam Canon Attachment

Take a look


This car was washed over 5 times to remove the glaze off it.
First we used Adam’s Car Wash then presoaked again with W99.

Insane amount of glaze..Take a look at all that glaze off gassing after a few washes.

Another pre-soak with W99



After rinse and clay


Measuring the Paint

Before shots of the car prior to paint correction (this is pretty much the complete car, every panel as you will see is this bad after all the glaze was removed, can you say IMPERFECTIONS!)

Action Shots

Polishing the trunk lid

Inspecting the paint with the Fenix

Great shot of the front fender jeweled out and door with PO85RD

After shots

Final rinse before the clear film install (some pretty cool shots)

Clear Film Install…..
Removing the front grill and lights

Random shots

Final Touches

After shots

Just to recap…



(Permission was granted by the owner to post photos and write up)

About admin

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  1. Hi Phil,

    I see that in almost all of your detail write-ups you mention that you use Einszett Spray Wax. What do you use it for and at what step?


  2. Epic, really epic work Phil…Very impressive…

  3. Awesome job, how can i contact you? interested in getting my A4 done. Whats your email Phil?

  4. What kind of wrap did you use? How long does it last before it would need to be removed?

    Beautiful job!